Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Real Estate for Employee Benefits Programs (REEBpros) Creates Happier and Less-stressed Employees


Do you want to attract the best employees? Have you considered adding real estate services to your employee benefits package? Learn how Real Estate for Employee Benefits Programs (REEBpros) creates happier and less-stressed employees.

Helping Employees Relax

Do you want to have a happy, stress-free workforce? Of course you do. Happier employees make it a joy for you to go to work each day. They also provide superior customer service. Those with less stress have more energy, are more productive and are always focused on finding positive solutions to any problems. What are some things that make employees sad, frustrated and stressed? They might have a lot of stress over buying or selling a home. Of course, providing a home for a family is a rite of passage for a spouse. Homemakers and house wives/husbands want to decorate their own home. Buying and selling property can be stressful, if you are new to it.

If your employees bring their home stress to work, it could cause a less productive office. So, how can you reduce the stress in your employees, their homes and your workplace?

When your employees are ready to buy, sell, or invest you want them to work with Real Estate professionals backed by your company with confidence, while getting the perks they deserve.
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Real Estate Benefits

The answer might be a real estate employee benefit program. Think of all that you could accomplish. As a business, you have certain advantages in buying group plans for your employees. You might have health care, dental and 401(k) as part of your employee benefits packages. You could have real estate services for your employees as a bonus without adding any costs. Your workers don’t know when they will need these services; but when they do, real estate services as part of your employee benefits package could be a lifesaver. Shouldn’t they know how much their home is worth? You could help your employees sleep better at night with real estate services, like these.

Real Estate for Employee Benefits Programs (REEBpros) Creates Happier and Less-stressed Employees

Property Assistance Program

Just like health care, employees don’t know when they will need it. But, when it is available, it is a great job perk. Don’t your employees deserve real estate services? Contact us to explain the benefits of adding real estate to employee benefits packages. Our REEBpros Team can help your employees save on closing, underwriting and appraisals. This Real Estate for Employee Benefits Program is FREE to employers. You pay no overhead, we will handle all administration. Real Estate for Employee Benefits Programs can lead to less stress in your employees, their homes and your work environment.

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