Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Attract, Retain, and Reward Staff With Real Estate Services for Employee Benefit Programs


The job market Is very competitive. Why should top performers work for you? Attract, retain, and reward staff with Real Estate Services for Employee Benefit Programs.

Attract Amazing Talent

If you want the best employees, you need to think like they do. What are the elite 1% thinking about? What do they value in life? What is one of the most expensive assets in the world? Real estate. Have you thought about offering real estate for your company’s employee benefit program?  The top performers probably own their own homes or expect to get help with home ownership when they relocate. They are likely to view your job offer as a way for them to upgrade to a better home. In order to have a job offer that is attractive to the best talent, you need to offer something exceptional. Other companies offer health care, dental and a 401(k) plan. How many offer real estate services? With these benefits, your employees can sell their old home and upgrade to a larger home. They will feel a strong connection to your company as you help them find the property of their dreams.

Retain Your Employees

Nowadays, the best producers can be very mobile. Why should someone stay at your job? If they have been very successful in their career, they might receive a number of offers. They might want to upgrade to a larger house. They might want to even invest in real estate. Do you offer real estate for your employee benefit program? If you do, then you can offer something that will help you keep the best producers. They can learn about property through real estate services offered by REEBpros. We appreciate your ability to buy or sell and we can help you further reduce closing costs (sometimes thousands of dollars). In some cases, through specific vendors, you can get free home appraisal (or an equivalent of with rebates and the like)? This can be very beneficial. An appraisal can help employees know the status of the home they’re buying. It  helps them decide if they want to move forward on placing an offer on a home they want to buy.

Reward Top Performers

Of course, money is the primary way to compensate your workers, but sometimes the budget is limited. When you work with our REEBpros, you can offer real estate services as an added employee benefit. Real estate is a key asset that is prized by successful people. REEBpros can help you find, keep and compensate your top performers, staff, management and other individual employees. Your business depends on its workers to make products and provide superior customer service. Keep your talent happy with a modern employee benefits package by offering real estate services.

Real Estate for Employee Benefit Programs (REEBpros)

We are a Real Estate Employee Benefit Program offering Real Estate services as part of your employee benefits package.

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