Friday, July 13, 2018

If You’re So Damn Smart, Why Aren’t You Offering Real Estate as a Voluntary Benefit to Employees


A company is only as good as the workers hired to perform the necessary job duties.

Need Talented Employees

Most employers in all types of businesses strive to attract talented employees by offering terrific employee perks and other great benefits. Younger workers of the millennial generation will generally change jobs after just a few years.

Are You A Smart Employer

Smart employers are using practical measures to retain employees.  By offering real estate employee benefits, employers are able to help employees find their perfect home.  Buying a home gives employees an added level of responsibilities because now they have a mortgage to pay.  They need a good job that they keep for a long time so that they can make the required payments while building long-lasting memories with their families.  Employers: You can be part of the process of helping an employee secure a life-long dream.

Why Not Offer Real Estate As A Voluntary Benefit to Employees

Note: Psychologists report that employees working in a positive and nurturing workplace are typically happier, feel valued and are more likely to stay long-term.  Read more about that at "Positive psychology in the Workplace: Thank God it's Monday."

Employers: Learn more about offering real estate as a Voluntary Benefit to employees.
Inquire About Real Estate as a Voluntary Benefit

The post If You’re So Damn Smart, Why Aren’t You Offering Real Estate as a Voluntary Benefit to Employees appeared first on REEBpros.

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